Meet Penny

Su says that I’m a cooperative conglomerate character.  Wow!  That’s a mouthful!  So, using the nerdy side of me, I clicked and looked up that deceptively dangerous description.  (Su and I both love playing with words!)  Here’s what I liked the best:

Cooperative: “1. working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.”
No doubt on this one!  I love working, playing, and hanging with my friends!  Maybe that’s why I love theatre so much!

Conglomerate: “8. to bring together into a cohering mass.  10. to collect or cluster together.”
Okay – I think Su is being a bit redundant on this one.  But yeah, I do tend to bring people together.  I guess I am usually picked to be the leader of groups at school.  It’s really fun to get people together and match up what each person is really good at.

Character: “1. the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.  4. qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity”
Honesty, Courage, and Integrity – nice Su, thanks!

Eleanor Roosevelt - love that smile!
I am kind of a combo deal: Kind of tomboyish – I like to climb rocks and trees and hike, sail, and snowshoe and I build a mean campfire.  Kind of girly – I like to wear aqua and fuchsia nail polish, dangly earrings, and french braid my hair.  Kind of artisty – I play guitar and organ and love theatre.  And I draw, paint, and make really cool hippos out of clay.  Kind of sportsy – I love ice-skating and swimming.  Kind of nerdy – I love reading mysteries and scifi and Eleanor Roosevelt is my hero.  Let’s face it – she was kind of nerdy too.  But she sure did love people and swimming and hotdogs.  So we’re sort of the same.  

E. R. - swimming!
My mom says that I’m all sorts of tiny gifts each and every day which add up to a real fortune.  Most every night for as long as I can remember I could hear her sing the song “Pennies from Heaven” as I fell asleep.  Sometimes I catch myself humming it when things aren’t going so hot and I need to remind myself how unique and important I am.

So that’s me: Penny Havan.  Just your average cooperative conglomerate character loving life and all the adventures and treasure it brings!

This is a link to Billie Holiday singing "Pennies from Heaven"  Wow, could she sing!